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Milltown National School, Scoil Padraig, Rathconrath, Co. Westmeath
Milltown National School, Scoil Phádraig, Rathconrath, Co. Westmeath
Enrolment 2025- Now Open!
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Oliver's Army

20th Feb 2024

Milltown NS would like to ask all our community to spread the word and raise awareness for a special little boy Oliver Scally.

Oliver is a beautiful and brave, 19-month old who was diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder called Wiskott Aidrich Syndrome (WAS). Due to the rarity of WAS a bone marrow transplant is not available in Ireland, so Oliver and his sister Joy (one of our students) and their parents will travel to the Great North Children's hospital, Newcastle, in the UK, for this life saving operation and treatment.

We want to get behind this family and show Aidan, Grace, Sarah, Joy, Roisin and Oliver our support as they are facing a very tough time ahead.

Please spread the word and share the link to the iDonate page and please donate.